
Thursday, November 14, 2013

British women 1700-2000

Sense and Sensibility was written during the age of wisdom, in the ordinal century, an era of deep philosophical thought and separation from the Church. The discernment emphasised education and moral, so women were educated as well. However, as men studied philosophy and science, women were taught to sing, paint and draw. Before, a individual had been considered only a creation of God, only to serve Him and be humble. Now people started realizing the human worth; although womens rights were ignored, more than charge was paid to children, poor people, prisoners and slaves. (http://history-world.org/age_of_enlightenment.htm) The philosophes played an important role in the establishment of a new self-image of women; their thoughts of freedom were read amongst the speeding- and upper middle class women and resulted in feminist writings such(prenominal) as The Vindication of the Rights of Women by Mary Wallstonecraft in 1792, and women were offset to command a more important r ole. Towards the end of the Enlightenment, though, passion amongst family members became more valued and some(prenominal) parents stopped forcing their children to marry without emotions. more started looking for love-based marriages, nevertheless financial issues couldnt often be ignored. In 1839 women were fit to dissever their husbands without the Act of Parliament and take the children with them.
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However, most women relied on their husbands for a living and loveless marriages of convenience still went on, because it was a collapse option than being a divorcee. During the industrial revolution, many women had to work. The gilt ones took care of ch! ildren or became maids; those less fortunate went to mines and did other(a) hard work. collectible to the industrial revolution, society demanded more children. behave rates travel rapidly, and women had to leave their newborn babies to be interpreted care of by relatives. They worked long days... If you want to get a full essay, rewrite it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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