
Thursday, November 14, 2013

"Othello" and "O" Comparative Essay

We live in a world entangled with lies, jealousy, cult and tragedy. We are an envious society that never has enough, and were willing to simmer down for down others to get what we motive, or to ruin their happiness. Two texts that bear witness these values of society include Othello, a play compose by William Shakespeare and O, a film directed by Tim Blake Nelson. Today I will be contrasting these daimon texts and in more depth contrasting two counterpart characters, Othello and Odin. The different language and medium of production of the two texts achieve the succession in which they were written. Othello was composed in the Elizabethan era, displayed by the classy English literature written in the dust of a play. It was aimed at all classes of society, from the monarchy right down to the peasantry. However, O was created in a time no different from today, shown by its modern language, themes and its medium of production, film. O is aimed at a a great deal younger , simpler, Westernised auditory modality portrayed by the swearing and bug music. Othello is a powerful tragedy based on the themes of love, jealously, give and treason and is quite simply the basis of O, Nelson has borrowed the storyline, piece and correct the characters from the great drama.
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However, he has appropriated Othello into a post-modern structure, superimposing it into a coetaneous time and setting. Nelson presents his own themes and values to his audience without betraying Shakespeares original narrative of diaster and despair. unused values Nelson gives Othello in O are violence, immature rel ationships, drugs and Sport. O will perhaps ! introduce a innovative audience to William Shakespeare and some of his most intriguing and tragic characters. maven of those characters is Othello, a popular of the Venetian armed forces, Othello is a noble, If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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